I am in the process of making a game and I want to make sure that users can set the resolution of the game in case their computer can’t handle the resolution of the monitor that they are playing on, but I can’t get the resolution to update and stay updated.
For instance, if I launch the game as a standalone and run the code
GSystemResolution.RequestResolutionChange(800, 600, EWindowMode::Fullscreen);
The game will launch in standalone windowed mode with the resolution equivalent to 800x600, but the actual size of the window will only take up ~25% of my 1080p monitor. The second I click the fullscreen button in the corner, the game is made fullscreen and the resolution jumps to 1080p. How can I prevent that? Is this an issue with 4.4.x?
I have also tried just running the console command
r.setRes 800x600f
setRes 800x600f
And neither command works properly. The game is always played at 1080p when in fullscreen mode.
How can I fix this? Am I doing something wrong?