Unreal 4.27.2 Steam SDK 1.51 Can't Find my own session #4.27.2 #Steam #Sessions

Don’t know the plugin, from a quick Google search I assume it’s for importing models from some modeling software? I don’t think that would somehow prevent Steam from working. Either you have not compiled correctly this time or your setup is different from the other project. What about the bInitServerOnClient flag?

Thanks for your answer like always. VRM4U is a plugin to add anime models made with vroid studio. The bInitServerOnClient is true. I think i did all the steps well. I tried a few times already. i added the Onlinesubsystem plugin (i just copy paste the one that i have in my working online game), generated the files, run the solution, changed the line in OnlineSessionInterfaceSteam inside my project plugin folder but still nothing. I’m really lost now.

But it has to be false, no?

No, like you told me before it has to be on true so sessions can work.

Hmm, looking through the thread again I told you to use the configuration that gave you the “failed to initialize the game server with Steam” warning and from what you have written before that was with bInitServerOnClient = false. You might as well try it because otherwise I am out of ideas as well.

ok in this new project it only works with bInitServerOnClient = false. I dont understand nothing now but at least it works xD-.Thank you Grimtec.

Ive done it, its not working, i have the same problem, UE4.27.2

Many issues were reported with the default behavior of the module after UE4.26 with the most notable being the find sessions async call failure from listen server hosting clients (clients wanting to fetch a sessions list but who are hosting a session) doing this call would result in the following time out log and failure.

LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Async task ‘FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamFindLobbiesForFindSessions bWasSuccessful: 0 NumResults: 4’ failed in 15.096867 seconds

This should restore ue4.27.2 to previous engine version behavior