Unreal 4.27.2 Install Gets IS-FC06 corrupt error, file size in download keeps getting larger

When I try to install 4.27.2, I’m only trying to get the Core Components, and it says in the download options that the total download size is 17.88 GB.

When I monitor the download, immediately after I start the target download size is 19.7 GB. After about 600 MB downloads, the process hangs then changes to “Resume,” at which point the target download size has increased to 39.3 GB.

This hang-resume process cycles several more times, and each time it resumes the download size increases, 58.9 GB, then 78.5 GB, then 98.1 GB, then finally it fails with error code IS-FC06, “A file corruption has occurred. Please try again.”

I’m trying to install this on a Windows 10 Pro virtual machine, so I don’t think the chkdsk or memtest mentioned in the support page for the error code is really applicable, but I did go to C: > right click > Tools > Check for errors and there were no errors.

I can try going through our IT department to have them troubleshoot this more on their end, but the expanding file size in the download manager is leading me to think it’s maybe an issue with the Epic Games launcher/downloader so I wanted to ask here too to see if this is a known issue.

I am also having the same problem