I have a MacBook Air running High Sierra 10.13.6
From the Epic Games Launcher when I hit the Launch Unreal Engine 4.25 in the upper right corner it says Please wait then immediately toggles me nonsensically to whatever the software program is most recently visited. Nothing launches. Nothing happens. It just sends to to another program.
What in the actual F word?
I have the same problem, also on a mac running high sierra
I have the same problem, also on a mac running high sierra
Same, running sierra. Tried 4.24 and same problem
Good thing there is a way to get help with this problem. Right guys?
Looks like I’m going to unity now.
Thanks Unreal.
Don’t know if that’s the actual solution but I needed to install prerequisite and just had to reboot my PC
It’s the easy “reboot” solution but actually worked for me!
Why go to Unity as you can still use 4.24 and wait a little bit to get this fixed. Looks like you rage quit easily and should look for easy workaround instead.
Wow. How did you know I’m a massive rage quitter? You’re like… clairvoyant er something, aren’t ya?
My clairvoyance tells me you’re a doesn’t-read-all-the-stuff-before-writer-backer and wouldn’t ya know it? I was right. Cuz look up and you’ll see that rcmiles tried 4.24 and had the same problem again. Good job!
While my rage quitting isn’t usually very helpful this time it’s the dogs bollocks because I already downloaded Unity and am inside workin’ away on stuff already. No need to keep trying to use Unreal so Yaaaaaaay todaaaaaay for RAGE QUITTING!!!
Oh… and keep up the good work there… uhhhh… Jessie the Clairvoyant!