unreal 4.25 ambisonics not working?

Hi. I cannot get ambisoncs playback to work correctly. I have read lots of posts here but still no luck. Maybe someone can help.
This is what I have done so far:
Made an audio sample encoded with ambisonics via reapers ATK. Should be 1st order.

This is the sound sample I made

I import it into unreal 4.25
Make sure the “is ambisonics” is ticked. Put the sound into a cue.

I make a soundfield submix. Open that and set its encoder options to “ambisonics”.

I dont want to use any 3rd party spatializers. Just the built in one.

I make an audio cue and drag in my ambisonics soundfile.
In the cue i set the submix to be my soundfield submix.

I make a test levet and place the audiocue in the level.
I play the level and there is no ambisonics going on. The sound just plays with no spatialization at all. Plays as a mono file.

Could someone please send me me an audio cue or maybe a tiny project where this works?
Then I could have a deep look into the project.

Thanks a lot!

In your sound cue instance properties try checking “Override Attenuation” and then setting “Spatialization Method” to “Binaural”

Sorry, but it still doesnt work:(

I am not sure if it’s the actual wave file that is wrong or something in my settings.
If someone has the time, could you download my audioo file and test it in unreal?

Not really sure how to go on from here otherwise.