It seems the air absorption min/max distance is somehow modulated by the “normal” spatializers min/max distance?
It seems like the absorption min distance starts when the “normal” spatializer mix distance ends? or something to that effect.
It is currently impossible for me to have the air absorption and spatializer min/max distance values to be independentat of each other. That results in weird air absorption behavier, for instance, getting very fast muffling when it shouldnt be happening (over distance).
No one? Air absorption is def broken in 4.27.2 (as well as 4.25.3). It only works if I tick the “enable log freq scaling”. Otherwise I get a very abrupt freq change within a meter or so. If I tick “enable log…” the distance parameter works correctly.
Hehe, yeah. It just suck when it worked in the past. All of the sudden the game sounds weird and you have to find workarounds. And then you update and it works again, and then stuff will sound weird again, because of your workaround