Unreal 4.13

Hi All

Does anyone know if you will be able to import baked animations into 4.13.
I just watched the live stream preview but I don’t think they talked about it.
I have a whole load of animations already baked into .mdd format and would really love to be able to import them into Unreal so I can output my short film from sequencer :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

They are adding experimental Alembic support for vertex animations but not mdd files

Yeah I saw something about Alembic. What’s the difference between vertex animations and mdd files?

EDIT: Just noticed that I can export to Alembic, so things are looking up :smiley:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Please can you tell me where you saw that?

Is media playback or video playback working on the mac yet or not? gmpreussner said he was working on it last week?