Unnamed VR archery experience

Hi there,

so finally i managed to do a short demo video for my upcoming game (please ignore the mouse cursor in the video, i only discovered that its on when i was already through most of the cutting of the video :slight_smile: ). I thought i would get some opinions here, be them good or bad (except for the video cutting, i know this is really bad!) :

Right now the video is just about the main menu and the first dungeon level. What will be in the game when its finished?

  • at least 10 different levels with a main mission / storyline and various challenges (having only elite enemies / only a specific number of arrows, save-the-maid, etc)
  • enemies that shoot back (i.e. magicians/shamans, maybe enemy bowshooters)
  • inside levels (like the one in the demo) and outside levels (also at least one at night), end levels likely in some mordor-like environment
  • upgradeable bows / crossbows / arrows
  • possibility to use the environment against the enemies (i.e. shooting a chandelier-rope which then crashes down on the enemies, and more)
  • special “abilities” like fire arrows (holding the arrow into…well, fire), poison arrows, etc
  • for now, singleplayer only

Features that MAY get in at a later time(if there’s enough time and funding, no promise on that):

  • additional classes to play: magician and/or melee
  • probably coop play
  • multiplayer versus mode, i.e. 4vs4 (depends on additional classes)

Also, for having better “comfort” using the bow, the following options are already implemented:

  • having the arrow left or right
  • simulate archers paradox or not (since from test games i saw that some players like to aim over the arrow instead of directly forward through the bow)
  • two-handed aiming (like in “The Lab”) or one-handed (like in Holopoint)

As you may see in the video, i make quite some use of existing marketplace assets, especially for the character models. The final models depending on the funding i applied for and may get (or not).

Note: For all the guys that are in Vienna, Austria: This Thursday (28th July) i will demo it (again) at the Unreal Engine User Group Vienna Meetup :slight_smile:


Looks super good! Always nice to see more archery games :slight_smile:

For your ‘simulate archers paradox’, what is that, exactly? Because I was thinking an easy mode would perhaps show an arc as to where the arrow will fly before you release it, perhaps?

Long explanation see here :wink:

The short and simplified version is that even though the arrow is not exactly straight (since it then would shoot through the middle of the bow), it still shoots in a straight line in the direction the bow is aimed at.

Some players feel more comfortable with that (aiming through the bow), while others feel more comfortable with aiming through the arrow.

And, thanks for the nice words :slight_smile:



just a quick update for the progress, as i had a demo running on the last UE User Group Meetup (Vienna):

  • the arrows are now pulled from your back
  • 4 difficulty modes are in
  • VR hands should be in soon :slight_smile:

Currently i am working on the campaign map, a first draft here:

Note: Inkarnate Maps make prototyping for such campaign maps really fast and easy, try it :slight_smile:

Also starting work now on a second character class, the mage. A new progress video will be probably done next week :slight_smile:
