Hey Ya’ll. Trying to attach a Box Collision to a Sphere Static Mesh Pawn. Want it to move with the sphere, but keep its original rotation. The point is to create a wall that always faces the same direction, so I can push the sphere more effectively. I don’t want it rotating with the sphere at all. But to move with it, at the same spot, and I need the player to be able to interact with the box’s collision. Can’t figure it out though. Sphere doesn’t have to be a pawn, so maybe changing that could help, but it does need to be able to roll. I just want the player to be able to reliably push it. Here’s some simple examples of what I mean:
For some reason the Box Collision, seems to even have weight, and pulls the sphere down… I dunno, it isn’t set to simulate physics at the moment, so not sure why it does that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please and thanks folks.