UNLOVED [Dark Fast Paced Coop FPS]

Hello everyone!
I’m working on my project for about six months now and I’m finally ready to present it to you :slight_smile:

What is UNLOVED?
It started as a mappack for Doom2, which was highly acclaimed by the community and even received a community award for best mapset of that year. The mappack had almost no story. You wake up in your house and you’re all alone. All that is with you, is your sanity. Or is it?

From that moment on, the player is thrown into the darkness and before you drown in your insanity, you have to escape the nightmare. While the mapset was very dark and atmospheric, I tried to keep the original gameplay of fast paced action from the original Doom alive. The result was a chilling experience that nailed even the most hardcore Doom fans to their seats.

After receiving such a good feedback about Unloved, I wanted to turn it into something bigger. I wanted it to become it’s own game.

When I saw the Unreal Engine and what it was capable of, I immediately started to create UNLOVED. But I didn’t just want to turn it into a remake - I wanted it to have it’s own unique feel and make it stand out from other first person shooter games. One of my most favourite games of the modern times are cooperative games like Payday or Left 4 Dead. Also I loved the idea of modern roguelike games like Binding of Isaac or Spelunky.

I combined all those ideas and this is the result.

Sometimes a video can tell you more then I could ever write, so I’ve prepared a demonstration video for you.

Read more about the UNLOVED Doom Mapset: Doomworld -- The 17th Annual Cacowards

Public Alpha Test
Download and play the current version here: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Steam Release
The contract is sealed and the game will release on Steam soon after the public alpha. From that moment, I want to start growing a community around the game and every new update will be heavily influenced by the community. What new weapon type do you want to see? What mods should the weapon have? What new monsters, player characters etc.

Please feel free to leave a comment, question or post your thoughts about the game! I’d be very glad to read everything you have on your mind :slight_smile:


Wow, The game looks like it coming along great but what really impresses me is you dedication. I really hope this game gets finished and kicks some ***.

Looks cool, coming along nicely!

That looks great man! Awesome job, how did you make those blood splatter effects so smoothly? You spawn a particle on hit but how do you generate the decals on the floor/walls?

This is funny because I am in exactly the same situation as you! I am also doing an FPS and the blueprint system is what has empowered me! Not only that but the reason I have wanted to make an FPS has come from when I headed up the No Rest For The Living Doom 2 episode lol.

I guess Doom 2 is pretty inspirational!

Nice, I like it! What a good idea.

New Development Progress video!

In this video I finally show the models of the final game. I think they look amazing! Now the game is getting a destinct look. What do you think about the models and the music?

Doom is pretty inspirational! Iv played this doom wad before and i’m glad your finally turning it into its own game!

Will there be other enviroments beside basement crawling, like maybe caves our ruins?

Everything is looking pretty good so far, keep it up.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Definitely! The game will have some reality oriented places like basements or a hospital area, but there will also be other places that will probably remind you of the original like rooms made out of flesh or cages hanging over eternal pits. An underground temple with large prayer halls is also on my list.

Here it is! The very first public alpha prototype.


Please keep in mind that this is a very early prototype version. There will be bugs etc, but hopefully if you see behind the curtain of rugged edged alphaness and you can see where I’m going with this.

There is also no multiplayer yet - a few last minute bugs kept me from having this feature in. I’ll fix it as soon as possible and let you guys know.

Feel free to spread this link anywhere you like, so more people can play the version and tell me what they think :slight_smile:

This release is primarily to get feedback, so please comment as much as you like! Any suggestions are very welcome as well!

This looks just amazing!
Keep with this amazing work :slight_smile:

New version uploaded!
Download here: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

New features / improvements:

  • many, many balance improvements
  • enemies can now “hunt you down” even if they have not seen you before - this increases tension and make enemy encounters much more frequent
  • weapon mods - every weapon has 3 slots for improvements that increase stats of the weapon
  • weapon pickups
  • many new textures have been added and meshes have been improved
  • you can die now - try to get to the golden room and back to the elevator in one piece :slight_smile:

New video about the update:

I noticed that it’s easy to get lost, so my next big feature on my list is the map btw.

I’m very thankful for any comment or feedback!

Ill have to check it out, I will give you some feedback about it later.

I ran into 1 glitch or atleast I think it was a glitch, pretty much I walked into a room and 2 of the larger pinky sounding monsters were in the room stuck together with one of the zombiemen monsters. The stuck demons could still attack back once I fired upon them, but idk if they ever got unstuck.

I think the pinky demon monsters need the emissive lighting toned down on their projectiles because when they start attacking you are almost blinded by the amount of light they give off.

How do you restart the game if you die?
I found the music to be a little loud.

Pretty good so far, Ill post again once I get a chance to play more.

I do not understand how I overlooked this awesome production. All I can say is WOW. This is my kind of game.

New version is out!
You can download and play it for free here: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

New features include

  • Minimap
  • Enemies have a new ability called Demon Speed
  • One new set of rooms
  • Updated visuals throughout the whole game

I will polish the game a lot more over the next few weeks and me and my artist are currently working on the animations to get them in the game hopefully for the next update.

Also I would like to announce that the game will be launching on Steam with multiplayer support over the Steam network. To test this feature, I need a few “testers” that have the time and motivation to help me test the network and multiplayer over the Steam servers. This also means that you can get the game for free on Steam, which is also a pretty nice bonus I think :slight_smile:
Please let me know if you’re interested in this closed beta test.

See my update & announcement video here:

Demon Speed…Hell Yes!

The above says it all…

Me and my artist are currently working on the animations and textures of the monsters…
Here’s a little sneak preview!

I think it’s disturbingly pretty… pretty disturbing :wink:

That monster texture looks really nice, it looks pretty fleshy and bloody.

Hello again!
New video and new download! This is the final public alpha version of the game. The Steam store website will be opened soon and after that, I will start testing the multiplayer version over the Steam servers.

In this updated alpha version, you can find all animations, ragdolls, muzzle flashes and hopefully all the bug fixes you were hoping for :smiley:


Latest video: http://youtu.be/hJ-IiljBRsY

I’m really happy about this version - please tell me what you think :slight_smile: