Having an issue where I deleted an actor and its now in the Outliner as ACTORNAME. When I try to test my game by simulating it the engine will crash and the log will sat Failed to load Outer for resource (insert resource here) even though I’ve already deleted it. I can’t roll back to previous version so I am stuck.
i’ve got exact same thing going on right now! at least now i can be pretty sure that the crash is connected to the unloaded actor. Also can’t roll back. This really sucks. The actor still in the outliner is from a blueprint which I deleted earlier. With it I deleted all related Materials etc. There should be no other actors using the same assets.
the very last message in my log file before the crash is “LogWorldPartition: Display: GetPartitionedActors took 58 us”
Here’s what it looks like in the outliner. There are no details and there’s basically no way to interact with them in the outliner. But the actors still have their original Transform it seems, because I can use “Focus Actor Bounds”.
I solved the problem. Create an actor with just that name and re-enter the project. It will then load and you can delete them!
Make sure to save after every step, doing this didn’t work for me the first time I tried.