Unlit Mode in packaged game

I tried your code on this project but couldn’t get it to work. What changes should I have made?
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I don’t see you calling the code to set the view mode. You need to call SetViewMode function with the Unlit option:

It should be available in all your blueprints, since it’s a static blueprint library function. You can call it on begin play of your game mode or at any point in time really.

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I wanted to enable the anti-aliasing back, and since it’s part of the post-processing that Unlit mode disables in the implementation, what I ended up doing is first setting the view mode to unlit and then calling DisableAdvancedEngineFeatures, which actually enables the post processing back but manually disables all post processing engine functions, except for the anti aliasing:

void UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::SetViewMode(EViewModeIndex ViewMode) {
	ApplyViewMode(ViewMode, false, GEngine->GameViewport->EngineShowFlags);
	GEngine->GameViewport->ViewModeIndex = ViewMode;

void MyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::DisableAdvancedEngineFeatures() {
	auto& F = GEngine->GameViewport->EngineShowFlags;
	F.PostProcessing = 1;
	F.Bloom = 0;
	F.LocalExposure = 0;
	F.AntiAliasing = 1;
	F.TemporalAA = 0;
	F.AmbientCubemap = 0;
	F.EyeAdaptation = 0;
	F.GlobalIllumination = 0;
	F.Vignette = 0;
	F.AmbientOcclusion = 0;
	F.Decals = 0;
	F.OnScreenDebug = 0;
	F.VisualizeNanite = 0;
	F.VisualizeLumen = 0;
	F.VisualizeSubstrate = 0;
	F.VisualizeGroom = 0;
	F.VisualizeVirtualShadowMap = 0;
	F.PointLights = 0;
	F.SpotLights = 0;
	F.RectLights = 0;
	F.DepthOfField = 0;
	F.MotionBlur = 0;
	F.CameraInterpolation = 0;
	F.ToneCurve = 0;
	F.SeparateTranslucency = 1;
	F.ScreenPercentage = 0;
	F.ReflectionEnvironment = 0;
	F.Specular = 0;
	F.ScreenSpaceReflections = 0;
	F.LumenReflections = 0;
	F.ContactShadows = 0;
	F.RayTracedDistanceFieldShadows = 0;
	F.CapsuleShadows = 0;
	F.VolumetricLightmap = 0;
	F.IndirectLightingCache = 0;
	F.TexturedLightProfiles = 0;
	F.LightFunctions = 0;
	F.InstancedStaticMeshes = 0;
	F.InstancedFoliage = 0;
	F.InstancedGrass = 0;
	F.DynamicShadows = 0;
	F.Particles = 0;
	F.SkeletalMeshes = 0;
	F.Translucency = 1;
	F.LOD = 1;
	F.Lighting = 0;
	F.DeferredLighting = 0;
	F.StaticMeshes = 0;
	F.Landscape = 0;
	F.Fog = 0;
	F.Game = 1;
	F.BSP = 0;
	F.LightShafts = 0;
	F.Atmosphere = 0;
	F.TextRender = 1;
	F.Rendering = 1;
	F.HMDDistortion = 0;
	F.StereoRendering = 0;
	F.DistanceCulledPrimitives = 0;
	F.SkyLighting = 0;
	F.Paper2DSprites = 1;
	F.ScreenSpaceAO = 0;
	F.DistanceFieldAO = 0;
	F.LumenGlobalIllumination = 0;
	F.VolumetricFog = 0;
	F.WidgetComponents = 0;
	F.MediaPlanes = 0;
	F.PathTracing = 0;
	F.VisualizeCalibrationColor = 0;
	F.VisualizeCalibrationGrayscale = 0;
	F.VisualizeCalibrationCustom = 0;
	F.LumenScreenTraces = 0;
	F.LumenDetailTraces = 0;
	F.LumenGlobalTraces = 0;
	F.LumenFarFieldTraces = 0;
	F.LumenSecondaryBounces = 0;
	F.LumenShortRangeAmbientOcclusion = 0;
	F.NaniteMeshes = 0;
	F.NaniteStreamingGeometry = 0;
	F.ShaderPrint = 0;

This way I get to have unlit mode with post processing features enabled and with all the things that I don’t need disabled. I found all these ShowFlag properties in Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\ShowFlagsValues.inl file. You’re only interested in properties that start with SHOWFLAG_ALWAYS_ACCESSIBLE, because the other ones aren’t accessible in the shipping builds and are hardcoded. I just copied the whole list of properties and just find and replace with regular expressions, so I don’t type all 150 of them manually. If you’re on the future version of the engine, you also want to do this, because they add them in the new versions of the engine. For example, the Lumen weren’t here in a 4.13 version. The list above is from 5.4.4. So even if you’re on the new preview of the engine, the flags probably already have more features.

The SetViewMode function worked! Thanks for helping me with the troubleshooting :grin:
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could probably also do this via device profiles