This was supposed to work, I guess. The console command r.ForceDebugViewModes
is registered in the engine:
But it doesn’t work, because it’s not actually used by the viewmode
console command processing function:
Instead, what we have is:
Ar.Logf(TEXT("Debug viewmodes not allowed in Test or Shipping builds."));
ViewModeIndex = VMI_Lit;
So it just forcefully sets the view mode to lit in shipping build no matter what option you choose. So, what do we do? Well, one way is to create our own console command that actually works in all builds. Or just replicate the behavior of this Unreal function and put it in a blueprint library and call it from C++ or blueprints respectively. That’s what I intend to do now.
Here’s the solution that actually works:
In your C++ blueprint function library(create one if you don’t already have one):
static void SetViewMode(EViewModeIndex ViewMode);
Source file:
void UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::SetViewMode(EViewModeIndex ViewMode) {
ApplyViewMode(ViewMode, false, GEngine->GameViewport->EngineShowFlags);
GEngine->GameViewport->ViewModeIndex = ViewMode;