Unknown Structure Error

When I try to package my project I get lots of unknown structure errors coming from something with data table row out rows. I don’t get any errors during runtime before packaging and I didn’t get these errors before upgrading the engine version (from 5.4 to 5.5).
I can also tell the the path mentioned in the error is wrong, for example:
“LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/UI/Asset/UI_Asset_Widget.UI_Asset_Widget_C:PopulateVariationBox:CallFunc_GetDataTableRowFromName_OutRow’. Unknown structure.” - I can tell the it points to “Game/UI”. The UI folder used to be inside the Game folder, but I moved it out of there.
Anyone knows how to solve this?

Hey. I guess it is kinda late, but anyway here is what u can do to fix it.
Just in case if somebody stumble same problem.
In UE5

  1. Open your BP in error (UI_Asset_Widget)
  2. Click File->Refresh All nodes

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also found this video, that could be solution to not create such problems in future with structs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMGEqsGIrcI . Didn’t triet yet, but sound promising

Hey @Ja20121

Thank you for providing the find! This will help other members who run into this.

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