Unknown error please help!

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.Build: ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe MyProject2 Win64 Development -Project=“C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyProject2.uproject” “C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyProject2.uproject” -remoteini=“C:\Users
\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2” -noxge -generatemanifest -NoHotReload
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 8.2208431s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=0
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe MyProject2 Win64 Development -Project=“C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyProject2.uproject” “C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyProject2.uproject” -remoteini=“C:\Users
\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2” -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: Creating makefile for MyProject2 (no existing makefile)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: Performing full C++ include scan (no include cache file)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: No 32-bit compiler toolchain found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 41.67977s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.CommandUtils+CommandFailedException: Command failed (Result:5): C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe MyProject2 Win64 Development -Project=“C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyPr
oject2.uproject” “C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyProject2.uproject” -remoteini=“C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2” -noxge -NoHotReload -ignorejunk. See logfile for details: ‘UnrealBuildTool-2017.01.20-15.40.52.txt’
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog(String App, String CommandLine, String Logfile, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, String Input, ERunOptions Options, Dictionary2 EnvVars, SpewFilterCallbackType SpewFilterCallback) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog(CommandEnvironment Env, String App, String CommandLine, String LogName, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, String Input, ERunOptions Options, Dictionary2 EnvVars, SpewFilterCallbackType SpewFilterCallback)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandEnvironment Env, String UBTExecutable, String CommandLine, String LogName, Dictionary2 EnvVars) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT(CommandEnvironment Env, String UBTExecutable, FileReference Project, String Target, String Platform, String Config, String AdditionalArgs, String LogName, Dictionary2 EnvVars)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.UE4Build.BuildWithUBT(String TargetName, UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform, String Config, FileReference UprojectPath, Boolean ForceMonolithic, Boolean ForceNonUnity, Boolean ForceDebugInfo, Boolean ForceFlushMac, Boolean DisableXGE, String InAddArgs, Boolean ForceUnity, Dictionary2 EnvVars) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.UE4Build.Build(BuildAgenda Agenda, Nullable1 InDeleteBuildProducts, Boolean InUpdateVersionFiles, Boolean InForceNoXGE, Boolean InUseParallelExecutor, Boolean InForceNonUnity, Boolean InForceUnity, Boolean InShowProgress, Dictionary2 PlatformEnvVars, Nullable1 InChangelistNumberOverride, Dictio
nary2 InTargetToManifest) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at Project.Build(BuildCommand Command, ProjectParams Params, Int32 WorkingCL, ProjectBuildTargets TargetMask) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild() UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute() UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary1 Commands) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String[] Arguments) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param) UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Func2 Main, Object Param)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): at AutomationTool.Program.Main()
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error

Please help :frowning:

A compiler is required for packaging UE4


Please follow this [AnswerHub Post][1] as it should have the answer you’re looking for.


Updating from 4.9 to 4.14 with 2015 Community I get a No 32 bit error - Pipeline & Plugins - Epic Developer Community Forums

But i dont use c++ in my project

what i have to do??

Please tell me i am bad at these i beg you what i have to do to fix this :((

Download Visual Studio and then make sure that you install the Common Tools and C++ language. Visual Studio 2015 is needed for 4.14.

Thank you!

I did it. Nothing changed…

New errors UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.Build: ********** BUILD COMMAND - Pastebin.com

I think i solved it!

I removed GameAnalytics plugin.

Always remove it, it is causing problems with newest version of ue.

I hope that i helped someone with this information.

Thanks to everyone who helped me out! :wink: