Unknown cook failure

Hello everyone, i got an unknown cook failure and i’m struggling to understand why.

Here is the full log :
ProjectT.log (560.4 KB)

And here is just the warnings and errors :

PackagingResults: Warning: Engine.ini:[Core.System]:Paths entry '../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/Animation/SkeletalMeshModelingTools/Content' is not mounted. Skipping it.
PackagingResults: Warning: Engine.ini:[Core.System]:Paths entry '../../../Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/GmRapidLoading/Content' is not mounted. Skipping it.
PackagingResults: Warning: Engine.ini:[Core.System]:Paths entry '../../../Engine/Plugins/Experimental/Animation/SkeletalMeshModelingTools/Content' is not mounted. Skipping it.
PackagingResults: Warning: Engine.ini:[Core.System]:Paths entry '../../../Engine/Plugins/Marketplace/GmRapidLoading/Content' is not mounted. Skipping it.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Level\Game\Game.umap: Failed to load '/Game/Level/Game/MediumPlayground': Can't find file.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Level\Game\Game.umap: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object 'Package /Game/Level/Game/MediumPlayground'
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\UI\Kit\Throw\Rectangle_88__1_.uasset: Failed to load '/Game/UI/Kit/Throw/Rectangle_88__2_': Can't find file.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\UI\Kit\Throw\Rectangle_88__1_.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object 'Package /Game/UI/Kit/Throw/Rectangle_88__2_'
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\UI\UI_LobbyPlayer.uasset: Failed to load '/Game/UI/Kit/LobbyPlayer/UI_LobbyPlayer': Can't find file.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\UI\UI_LobbyPlayer.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object 'Package /Game/UI/Kit/LobbyPlayer/UI_LobbyPlayer'
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Textures\UI\T_Button_BG.uasset: Failed to load '/Game/Textures/UI/T_Button_BG_': Can't find file.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Textures\UI\T_Button_BG.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to load package for import object 'Package /Game/Textures/UI/T_Button_BG_'
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_VALIDATE_POWER_UP'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_REROLL_POWER_UP'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_PASS_POWER_UP'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_VALIDATE_AIM'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Error: /Game/Level/Game  : Failed import for World /Game/Level/Game/Game.Game  [redirection] in /Game/Level/Game Referenced by export ObjectRedirector /Game/Level/Game.Game
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_TOGGLE_AIM'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_TOGGLE_POWER_UP'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/Struct/Customization/S_Loadout may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/Struct/Customization/S_Loadout may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/Struct/Customization/S_Loadout may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/Struct/Customization/S_Loadout may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/Struct/Customization/S_Loadout may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/Struct/Customization/S_Loadout may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Failed to find string table entry for '/Game/Translation/ST_Translations.ST_Translations' 'INPUT_AIM_VALIDATE'. Did you forget to add a string table redirector?
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/System/GI_Game may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/System/GI_Game may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/System/GI_Game may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/System/GI_Game may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/System/GI_Game may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/System/GI_Game may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/UI/WB_CharacterCustomization may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/UI/WB_CharacterCustomization may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/UI/WB_CharacterCustomization may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/UI/WB_CharacterCustomization may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/UI/WB_CharacterCustomization may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: Saving FText "" which has been initialized from FString at cook time resave of source package /Game/UI/WB_CharacterCustomization may fix issue.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T1.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Gust_T1' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/DA_Gust_T1' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_RadialForce.PDA_RadialForce_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/PDA_Gust.PDA_Gust_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T1.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Freeze_T1' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Freeze/DA_Freeze_T1' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_Reactivable.PDA_Reactivable_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Freeze/PDA_Freeze.PDA_Freeze_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T1.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Charm_T1' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Charm/DA_Charm_T1' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_RadialForce.PDA_RadialForce_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/PDA_Gust.PDA_Gust_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T2.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Gust_T2' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/DA_Gust_T2' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_RadialForce.PDA_RadialForce_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/PDA_Gust.PDA_Gust_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T2.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Freeze_T2' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Freeze/DA_Freeze_T2' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_Reactivable.PDA_Reactivable_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Freeze/PDA_Freeze.PDA_Freeze_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T2.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_PolarityInversing_T2' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PolarityInversing/DA_PolarityInversing_T2' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_DotEffect.PDA_DotEffect_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PolarityInversing/PDA_PolarityInverting.PDA_PolarityInverting_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T2.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Charm_T2' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Charm/DA_Charm_T2' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_RadialForce.PDA_RadialForce_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/PDA_Gust.PDA_Gust_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T3.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Gust_T3' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/DA_Gust_T3' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_RadialForce.PDA_RadialForce_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/PDA_Gust.PDA_Gust_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T3.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Freeze_T3' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Freeze/DA_Freeze_T3' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_Reactivable.PDA_Reactivable_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Freeze/PDA_Freeze.PDA_Freeze_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Warning: [AssetLog] D:\Project Unreal\ProjectT\Content\Struct\DT_T3.uasset: Resolved import with name 'DA_Charm_T3' from '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Charm/DA_Charm_T3' with a different class: import class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/PU_PDAs/PDA_RadialForce.PDA_RadialForce_C', package class '/Game/PowerUp/PUs/Gust/PDA_Gust.PDA_Gust_C'. Resave to fix.
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Cook Failure

Thank you for anybody taking time to look at this

Hi, did you solve it? I have the same problem.