UNKNIT: informal skeak peak

I hope you like it!

Take up the first floor! Ha-ha!
This plug-in is very valuable! Your company is great!

Motiva COLIMO, it’s great, too. Can’t be described in language!
You have to give it up!

Where can I order this?

Hahaha thank you! I think that I made another project that you love too it was named MUS (Motiva Unreal Scene) and renamed as Datasmith after being acquired by Epic :wink:

It will be released during the first quarter of 2018 with a big promo price, I’ll announce it anyway :slight_smile:

@. Feliz, hello! This tool can be used in a large number of efficiency. What are some of the requirements for individuals? Don’t know how to get a trial? Can you give me a trial? Looking forward to your reply! Thank you very much!

Did you already contacted us by mail/private forums, right?

@. Feliz,thanks. In another post, you leave a word for everyone. I saw it, but I didn’t send the mail, and I didn’t know what you had to ask for?

Just send a mail to lab@motivacg.com asking for a beta, we’ll send you a nda to be signed and you’ll get a license.


Regards, , thank you!
When you release the official version, I will apply for a trial.

When will unknit plug-in be released? What functions are updated now? Look forward to!

It probably will released at the end of this quarter or begining of 2nd quarter.

Right now I’ve just rewritten the uv packing system, slower now but much much better.

More info

Will there be a blender integration for unkit?

I didn’t thought about that yet but maybe, the first release will only available for 3dsmax and UE, anyway notice that since it will be fully integrated in Unreal, if your plans are involving UE you don’t need it in blender

So, in blender, you don’t have the automatic unwrap of LSCM and slim, right? Looks good too! But I didn’t use it very much.

LSCM and so are alternatives to this method you just need to choose the one that fits better your needs.

Are there any updates when it will be released? Also I have a technical question: Will the system automatically set the outer uv points of an island on full pixels and not between?