Unity's new tech demo

Have you seen the new Unity’s tech demo? It’s awesome, even better than anything I have ever seen before on Unreal, and I’m an Unreal lover. Please, Epic, when something as stunning as this?

I’m mainly a unity developer still but love to mess around with unreal.
And I actually in particular use HDRP.

The demo was impressive, but…
It’s an extremely small scale demo. Interiors.
Almost the entirety of the demo relied on the human which honestly is not interesting to me at all.
They used technology they have to scan her face. Yup, looks real which is impressive don’t get me wrong but if that’s all there is to the demo…

I was far far more impressed with the matrix demo.
Not to lessen unity’s developer achievements with this demo, but it’s really nothing that interesting to me.

One room, interiors, and the focus is on one particular thing (the human). It’s tech they’ve had since the heretic demo, improved since then as mentioned in their blog. Only nice thing is they promise the tech they used for said character will be released soon.

To give you an idea, I’m more impressed with their Spaceship demo which I can run and you can download the project.

Even the spaceship demo was extremely small scale, tiny interiors, but it was more interesting and impressive than this.


i dont see it translating into anything that helps me, a small indie developer.

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The fire effect was pretty nice though…