I’ve been developing with Unity for a while now and I have alot of assets That I should be able to import to UE4. I have been checking them all and some are in .FBX format which works fine after some rescaling. problem is that Alot of unity files are .Prefab or .Meta and I cannot find a single program that can change those files.
maybe I’m just stupid but i seriously cannot find a way around this. I tried searching the forum before posting and couldn’t find anything related.
Those files are specifically for Unity
Every asset in Unity has a .meta file that it uses to keep track of information about the file
And the .prefab file is a collection of other assets.
So really the only assets you need are the FBX or any texture files.
Make sure though that if you have something you got from the Unity asset store that you check the licensing terms to make sure that the files can be used in that way, it might have something in there that restricts you to using them only with Unity.
Well, many user face a time consuming task when switching to UE4 or U5 and trying to facilitate their assets. And Unity has a huge collection, thus it makes sense to somehow bridge the different formats. There are not many alternatives, currently you either have to compromise or manually puzzle assets together, which sucks.
I think I’d be more worried about license restrictions than compatibility or file conversion.
you can’t use UE4 content that they provide in another engine etc. as most engines/programs restrict this and it makes sense. no one is in the business of doing another company’s work for them.
If you made the assets yourself then you should be able to export straight from the program that you made your own personal assets in. barring any file restraints ie: allowed file imports to UE4.
This depends on the seller, all the assets i own in Unity store can be used basically everywhere. And those who provide a lot have their own store websites, and they basically sell to everyone, but there might be asset packs which are only provided via the Unity asset store and have special terms applied to only be used in this environment. Though i do not know about the company terms for Unreal or Unity provided assets.
One asset dev just told me it will take probably several month, and they just released on Unity … so i have to do it all myself. And for this pack i’m going to use, that means i have to manually snap somehow everything together, unless there is a trick. I’ve installed blender, i guess i might can use the FBX there, then rearrange groups of items, but i dont know about shaders and textures there, guess i will find out soon.
Assets sold by developers on unity are not exclusive to unity, I would never be dumb enough to use assets developed by Unity themselves, but those are few. Just like i wouldn’t use sample project assets from UE4 in unity…
Hi, i dont know if i can put a link to a unity asset store here, but i use an asset from the asset store that let me export a prefab as a .dae file format -> blender -> fbx -> UE4
the name is Collada (.dae) Exporter