Question to the creators of the documentation.
Are you planning to abandon the use of Unreal Markdown and replace it with HTML , for consistency and usability of the documentation, especially for translators ?
Using VS not convenient to convert from Unreal Markdown to HTML , and vice versa.
It would be much easier to work with HTML , as is more common. Or, alternatively, to make a separate application converter ( Unreal Markdown to HTML , and vice versa).
So as of now (since version 4.9) it is possible to create HTML projects with UE4 , it is possible to make such a project and documentation?
This would make it possible to create pages of documentation for use in the Editor, and for the site.
P.S. Very convenient program for translators OmegaT, but it does not “understand” Unreal Markdown.
Thank you for your opinion.
We do not have plans to abandon Markdown as our source format in favor of HTML. The online documentation is all HTML, though, so you could use that. We do have a tool that converts the source to HTML, but it isn’t something we currently make available to everyone as it has lots of quirks and definitely isn’t user friendly.
On a side note, we are in the process of investigating moving to an online platform for all of our learning resources so the Markdown source will probably go away at some point in favor of some sort of content management system.