Unhandled exception when building blank project: Version ("1.2") is not supported version

Hello. Trying to locate this file path and having some trouble. I can locate C:\users\window username\documents. I am not seeing the folder named Unreal Engine

Go to %appdata%\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool - there it is

Awesome! Thanks for locating the file for me. If I am correct all I need to do is much this out of app data and into documents then I should be good. I am doing this step after rolling back my MVSC

So what’s the solution?

Yeah, just to be sure, i did a full rebuild and the error came back
no idea why things compiled ok the first time

I have a temporary solution until 1.2 is supported in a new version of unreal. I posted it yesterday and has not been approved. How long does that take?

For anybody that is unwilling to downgrade anything and lazy to go to all the trouble of manually changing the engine, I’ll share my solution (on Windows):
Open a PowerShell window in your project folder and each time you get the error in VS, just run:

Get-ChildItem “./Intermediate/Build/Win64” -Filter “*.json” -Recurse | ForEach-Object{((Get-Content -path $.FullName -Raw) -replace ‘“Version”: “1.2”’,’“Version”: “1.1”’) | Set-Content -Path $.FullName}

it takes less than a second and is just setting the Version of all .json files to 1.1 instead of 1.2
That’s about it.

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Just install VS2019 and set UE5’s Source Code Editor to VS2019 in Editor Preferences.

Get-ChildItem “./Intermediate/Build/Win64” -Filter “.json” -Recurse | ForEach-Object{((Get-Content -path $.FullName -Raw) -replace ‘“Version”: “1.2”’,’“Version”: “1.1”’) | Set-Content -Path $*.FullName}

I’ve tried to run it and for some reason it doesn’t work from project folder: $.FullName’ because it does not exist.
Also tried to run it straight from Intermediate/Build/Win64 but somehow it only changes some files and doesn’t edit others.

It’s just a PowerShell command that goes through all files (recursively through all subfolders) and consideres just the “.json” ones. $ is just the file name, $.FullName is the entire path of the file.
Make sure your PowerShell window points to the correct folder when you run the command - it should be your project root.

I just compile / run the game in VS and when the window with the error appears, I just switch to the opened PowerShell, run the command, switch back to VS and build / run again.

Seems that none of proposed fixes worked for me (I guess it’s RiderLink disrupts any attempts to fix the issue). I hope that PR will be merged into upcoming 5.0.2 release.
In a meantime rebuild helps, for some reason it works for me.

Hi, you don’t need to use Powershell command.
just use VSCode replace function like this.

  1. Open VSCode on your project folder.
  2. Search “Version”: “1.2”
  3. Replace All to “Version”: “1.1”
    Good Luck!


I had to change the powershell script like this :

Get-ChildItem "./Intermediate/Build/Win64" -Filter "*.json" -Recurse | ForEach-Object -Process { ((Get-Content -path $_.FullName -Raw) -Replace '"Version": "1.2"','"Version": "1.1"')  | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName}

$.FullName was causing issue on my end and I had to change it to $_.FullName

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Simple change but got the job done.

Get-ChildItem "./Plugins/Developer/RiderLink/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UnrealEditor/Development" -Filter "*.json" -Recurse | ForEach-Object -Process { ((Get-Content -path $_.FullName -Raw) -Replace '"Version": "1.2"','"Version": "1.1"') | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName}

Edited the script for Rider. Worked for me

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Thanks for this! I’m trying REAL HARD to use Rider for UE5 and every single time something comes up and I’m left with Visual Studio - which is pretty nice of course but I wanted to try Rider (Or the newer VS2022).

Hey guys, this seems to solve the problem for me.

Just to clarify i’m using UE 5.0.1 and VS 2022 17.2.2 ( just the most recent update ) i tried a ton of things, but just following this procedure i got it working !

So i picked compiler v14.31-17-1 and altered the Build Configuration file as in the second image !

Thanks !



how do that if you can’t make the editor with sources ? lol

You don’t need to build editor from source code, it’s just a editor preferences property:

Hey there!

I fixed this by updating unreal engine to version 5.0.2.
