Unhandled Exception : EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW (MeshPaintingToolset)


Today I need some help because since yesterday my tool for mesh painting crash every time I’m using it ! To give you more details, I painted textures from megascan but this issue is still happening with every textures. But the others tool (modeling, foliage etc …) are working perfectly. This is the first time I had this problem so I don’t know what I should do to solve this ! I tried to uninstall and re-download UE 4.26 too.

I am also hitting this crash when trying to mesh paint. The crash happens immediately when trying to paint on a skeletal mesh, and after a short time painting static meshes.

Any solution? I began getting this whenever interacting with certain widgets. Trying to open or even right clicking on them crash the editor with Stack_Overflow, UnrealEditor_CoreUObject error