Unhandled Exception e57 import

I have a total of 36 scans.  31 import fine, but 5 are giving me problems.  I get an unhandled exception error  that crashes the software on 4 of them and 1 gives an operation failed error, but doesn’t crash.  All scans were processed and exported the same way.  I went back and exported those scans again just to make sure.  I also imported the problem e57 files in to a few other software and they open fine.  Any suggestions?  

Hi Chad,

I’m not an expert on scan import, but is there any variable you can determine that is different for the 5 troublemakers? As in do they cover only a small area, do they include difficult areas, are they much larger in file size, etc. ?

Hi Gotz,

They are generally the same size.  Unless I hear something differently, I’ll probably go back to the original scans before I did any clean-up and registration.  I’ll export the originals as e57 to make sure they import before doing anything to them.  If this works, then I’ll go back through the registration process.  I’m just trying to understand why these 5 open in another software, but not this.  Especially, since the other 31 scans import fine.

Hi Chad,

I’m not sure anyone will be able to answer that without inspecting the data. Maybe you can find something similar here on the forum? I think I saw some posts recently where people seemed to have issues with e57 import…

OK, thanks.  I’ll let you know how it works out.

Solved by importing the lsp files.  I don’t understand why that worked.

Oh, good for you!

But not so good in general - why not report this as a bug?