am software tool developer for indie game dev… past few days i have shared a link of a texturing tool (twice once in material and texture thread and another in general discussion) …
which can generate complete textures from the given sample… I thought this might be useful for the unreal community and i have already applied for unreal grant and working on this tool integration within unreal material editor itself…hence to get the user feedback i had shared the demonstration for feedback among the community
But some rando has pemanently banned me …
I am an active user of UE4 and had been using it since past 4 1/2 years … but now…due to some rando misunderstood me my post and permanently banned me from accessing unreal forum and inhibited me permanently from accessing the community for learning from others …can anybody kindly fix this…and unban my account…I spoke with unreal support they instructed to share my post here as they told me that they only take care of unreal marketplace and other products not the forum…
I will be very thankfull to you…if someone can help me in this case…