Hi. Today I saw an unfair rating of one of our plugins on Fab. And here are my thoughts:
There is no way to be sure that the rating is fair.
Recently we came up with this Skeleton Swapper plugin: https://www.fab.com/listings/039a7607-105a-483f-bb27-95f0f9570788
that let’s you transfer your UE4 skeleton based project to UE5 or UEFN skeleton project in seconds.
Yes it’s not perfect and more features could be added, but it’s a huge time saver for many people.
The price is low, works as presented, there were no complaints on discord or on youtube for this product, we have approved every refund request, answered every question and still we receive an average 3.4 star rating out of 5 reviews. It means that someone just hating us or trying to put us down. And there IS NO WAY we can dispute this!!! WHY???
I truly believe that this is not fair! This means that anyone can ruin your product page without even explaining their reasons. I think that every review should be backed with explanation. So we know that there’s a real person and a reason behind it, not just hate or an unhealthy competition. So we as the sellers can provide customer support and have a chance to fix the issue, or refund if the client is still not happy with the product.
But in our case there were no complaints and no angry customers.
So who could possibly rate so low? Why? what for? what is their complain?
No question section anymore! No feedback! This doesn’t look like a fair trading.
Now on Fab we as developers have no way to defend ourselves and our products!
It’s just bad.
I wish that FAB team will pay attention to this and provide us more tools to resolve cases like this.