I’m getting the red screen, “Unexpected Program State” during Unwrap having tried a couple different things, but to help with context and what that might say about my system resources ability to handle this scene, here’s a few steps with images showing settings. Here’s a larger chunk of cave in Preview, all good so far:
Here’s the first chunk with no issues in Reconstruction, Unwrap, and Texture:
Here’s my first attempt at Reconstruction second chunk, see missing patches:
And here’s a reduced second chunk that finished Reconstruction without issues, then produced the error twice, with only change being that I changed the Maximal texture count from 10 to 5:
I read from another post, Wishgranter, that:
I highly recommend you to use the UNWRAP tool because of multiple options how to get it done. I prefer the FIXED TEXEL SIZE and using OPTIMAL TEXEL VALUE…
Not to confuse the issue here, which I’m hoping you can resolve so I can continue with full control over number of textures for a given Reconstruction Region. That said, 1) why do you prefer your way? 2) is there any control over number and size of textures then?, if so where, as I see Maximal texture count disappears as an option when selecting Fixed Texel Size, and 3) what’s the logic behind deciding those settings?
In the same .rcproject I had another Composition with slight differences, but this section I was interested in was the same. I encountered no issues between Reconstruction and export, which tells me the .rcproject file isn’t corrupted. I’m left wondering what’s the issue with that particular Composition, one Model of which did fine, with every other Model (defined by adjoining Reconstruction Regions) returned the Unexpected Program State. What’s been learned?
I’m confused by what I’m seeing in Resource Monitor. Sometimes it only appears as if RC is flat lining, return to the progress bar to confirm something is happening, wait it out to either see an operation completed or the red screen of death. It’s when I see low activity in System Resources and a stuck progress bar that I’ll sometimes preemptively bail. Is this what others do? There’s room for hiccups, just wish to optimize my read and response.
Hi Benjamin.
Please close RC app and run it with Shift for reset all settings to its default.
Don’t set “Use legacy *** algorithm” to False. Not Unwrap not Simplify! Both of them unstable.
About other behavior. 16Gb is mostly enough for RealityCapture, but this only mean that it such case it will extensively use HDD.
32Gb RAM is better, 64Gb is probably enough for most situations. This is not mean that RC will use this memory in work, just system will use RAM for cache all this huge data that RC internally work. And you will see less situation when RC will be idle.
And with 16Gb RAM you really limited with other software if you will work with 10-20mln poly decimated raw meshes.
Hi Benjamin
it is hard to say more without having seen more details. If you set too LOW texture quality for unwrap, then it can get into issues regarding too LOW resolution. when you set the FIXED TEXEL VALUE, can it UNWRAP it to 100 % texture quality or not ?
Thanks, Vladlen, for those tips, hadn’t ever thought to monkey with going beyond the defaults for using Legacy modes, but good to understand memory usage. I ran into a different issue yesterday with Out of Memory error while running Texture. Previously, I had no issue in this same project between Reconstruction, Unwrap, and Texture for a relatively large Reconstruction Region, set Unwrap to produce 10 for Texture count. Everything exported fine. I then reduced this Reconstruction Region by a 1/10 its size, idea being to change a number of variables, e.g. polycount and number of textures, export each model and review quality and performance in UE4 game engine. This smaller Reconstruction Region simplified to 500K tries, then while set to Unwrap ten 4K textures returned the Out of Memory error. Why wouldn’t HDDs pick up the slack as scratch disk space as you suggest? I just tried again this morning, BTW, after a restart, Texture ran uneventful, must of been a glitch.
WishGranter, I’ve yet to change the default setting for Tx size. I noted in one post you stating your preference:
Yes, but I highly recomend you to use the UNWRAP tool because of multiple options how to get it done. I prefer the FIXED TEXEL SIZE and using OPTIMAL TEXEL VALUE…
I understand a texel is the unit of a texture map, as a pixel is to a regular image. Is that to say the difference here is that the texel relates to the UVs? Not to ask you to repeat a lesson plan you’ve covered elsewhere, if you can direct me, but I’ve yet to grasp the function of related settings and what might motivate veering from the default settings.
My end goal is to optimize texture resolution and performance in UE4. Whether I export a single 16K map, which UE4 won’t support, or four 8Ks or sixteen 4Ks is a performance question w.r.t. draw calls, but delivers the same information. Am I on the right path to limit my variables to number and size of textures in Unwrap, and not monkey with texel related settings?