Undesired Animation Interpolation Setting

Hello. I have recently begun importing animations from blender to Unreal. Most if not all of them look perfect when playing them back independent of one another. However when I grant a transition from one animation to another and check the results during preview, it looks really off.

Lets say I am transitioning from an Idle animation to a sword swing attack animation. Let’s say for example this attack animation has 5 frames where frame 1 is fully wound up and frame 5 is the end of the swing.

The interpolation is currently set up so that when my character swings his sword from another animation such as the idle, the timeline of the swing animation begins playing even if the actual sword arm has not finished interpolating to frame 1’s “winding before the swing” position, effectively skipping very essential parts of the animation.

This makes the swing look more like a half sword swing that reaches frame 3 of the swing animation then going on to 4 and 5 before ending. What this means is that as soon as I press the attack button, the attack animation timeline begins at the same time that It begins interpolating to said attack animation, robbing that animation of its time on the timeline.

What I want to happen is for the attack animation timeline to not begin playing until it has fully interpolated to frame 1 before moving on to 2 and 3. Because right now the amount of time it takes to transition into the animation makes frames 1 and 2 never happen.

Is there any easy remedy for this or do i have to create an entirely new winding animation every time I want to begin a different type of attack?

If words aren’t enough I will gladly illustrate something for better understanding. Thanks to all who are willing to help.

Can you change the Duration in Blend Settings of the Transition node to something low (like 0.01)?

Picture for UI reference:

Why aren’t you using animation montages? I tend to call attacks and other one-off animations with montages, layering (layered blend per bone) them on top of the movement animations so there is no blending.