Underwater Photo G export issue

Ok so been working on various underwater projects and using other software until I came across Reality capture which so far is amazing although not been having much luck with the export. The resuly looks good in the preview screen in reality capture but when importing into a 3D cad software is seems to add extra mesh for what seems no reason. Is there a setting to change this?

Just FYI this is a 1012 photo project so there is a lot of info. The photo attachment should give you an idea of my problem.

The software creates a watertight mesh. That means, it will, where required, expand the mesh outwards to the boundaries of your box.

You will need to remove those using either the built in filter tools or through other means, like Blender.

Its not a bug.

hmm ok thats a big pain and time killer. I have since done others and the complicated mess it makes by ‘filling in’ is a nightmare to get rid of. I know you mention plugins on other software’s but dont know of one for 3ds max. Unless this changes and they make it simple or allow for you to allow for the fill or not I think this may be a deal breaker for us. Its just too much work when its not needed. Agisoft and context capture dont do this so why should reality capture?

Your best bet is to get more pictures from the areas where it does that. Because the program does not have enough data for these parts to calculate the surface properly. So it guesses and gives you one possible solution.

Hey, another Thomas working on underwater wreck recording, cool!

There’s algorithms for automatically removing large triangles, it sounds like those would be a good solution for you?

Since you mention it: one of the other photogrammetry software you use has a “gradual selection -> triangle size” option in mesh view. You can export your model from RC, import it into said “other photogrammetry software” and then remove the large triangles using the gradual selection tool :slight_smile:

Cheers thomas will have to check this. Its a shame non the less that there is an option within reality where the auto fill tolerence can be changed.

I agree this forced closed box mesh can be a bit of a pain, and its not about not having enough coverage in the photos. I have attached a screen grab of something I did last week that required me to spend some time cleaning up the mesh to remove all the extra faces generated. (aside from generating all this extra mesh that takes time to clean it also wastes a huge amount of texture space).

So for this example we used a drone to take +400 images of a rocky hill top. the scan processed excellently. But on export I get all these sidewalls and flat bottom (essentially the reconstruction region) added to the model that I have to go an cut away in a third party application. I would rather just get the mesh as its displayed by the points as it would save a lot of time.

I hope that make sense.

Ok so as mentioned before by a few Meshlabs solved my issue. There is a selection that selects the sides longer than x amount and that does is nicely. Meshlabs is free and relatively easy to use. The export is hit and miss I find for what I need when it comes to textures but hey ho cant win them all.