So, I have an underwater scene in Oculus Quest 2 project. Post Processing is not available, and beside using it, I have no clue how to imitate being inside mass of water. Is there any way to achieve it and not ruin performans by adding, say, a lot of particle bubbles and things like that?
Hi Zhu,
I have a simple idea: Change the ‘Light Color’ in your SkyLight to something blue-ish. This will give everything (Particularly shadows a blue tint)
I’d also think about using sound/audio to sell the idea that you’re underwater.
this all is done, I even have a cool “sky sphere” of sorts, imitating far away light coming from sea surface and blue foggy rocks above, that kinda helps. But yet, it desperately lacks some depth and texture to it, like when water isn’t transparent enough to see more distant objects, or blurry effect or some vignette to make player feel pressure of all this water mass Don’t even know what I’m looking for. Maybe some plane facing the camera and faking vignette somehow? No clue.
Sharing pics could be fun!
In your VR pawn, you could attach a plane to the camera and add some effects on it via material! (Opaque rather than Translucent domain, Translucency might add too much to frametime)