Underwater caustics problem?

I have a problem with the directional light an the underwater caustics (material: LF_Caustics_Inst).
It works probably but at any places on mountains I have the caustics shining.
The waterlevel are correct. So is this a problem at the material or at the configs?

I hope anyone can help me out :confused:5fa5ccd1d38fb589cc9b2ce68d73919e70b8abcb.jpeg

Problem solved! If you have the same issue here the solution:

On this pic you can see the block of code in the ā€œLF_Causticsā€ material-blueprint. You must change the texture of the ā€œTexture Sampleā€.
The new texture it self must have an alpha channel as mask.
Then you can draw the color as height. Red, blue and green on their own channels .
The height can configure with the parameters at R min height, G min height and B Min height.

I hope that can help you too to create caustics on your own map :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info! My landscape has a valley of about 1,000 meters and I was trying to move my landscape to around -40,000 Z to get some clearance from the clouds which I donā€™t know of any way to ā€˜raiseā€™ to a higher Z value. Unfortunately I was noticing the same caustics and also underwater particle emitter effects. Seems like I remember about not going below -48,000 Z somewhere, not sure what other issues that causes or other issues related to landscapes that are much different scale/location from ā€˜TheIslandā€™.

I love seeing code with magic fudge factors :smiley: always makes me smile. Good job finding a solution!

Hmm ok this is happening on my map as well but from your post I still cant work out how you low the height of the caustics ?

Any one shed some light on how to move it down a little :slight_smile:

Good news! :slight_smile: I will try to work it out. If it works (for me), you will have done a very great job!!:smiley: