Understanding scoring mechanism

Pardon me for asking a basic question here, I was trying to understand how scoring system works in unreal and google play service. After searching reading for a couple to days I’m now more confused than before.

  1. Do I have to make my own scoring system in unreal the connect it with google play?
  2. Or I have to connect google play service first then implement the scoring system?

There general scoring system in UE4, you need to make your own as it infinite ways to do scoring, and most basic form… is just to hold it in variable in class you see fit and add and removes numbers in it, it’s simple as that. There score varable in APlayerState but im not sure if yo can use it in blueprint, but it really doesn’t metter.

Think about scoring system first then you can think about submission, Way it work is you just submit score number and leaderboard system don’t care what that number is and where it comes from, it can even be generated on the go and note stored at all:

got my answer… I have already made the scoring system but I was confused about I did it in the correct way or not