Understanding Camera Movement/Camera manager/PlayerController


I think there’s quite a bit to unpack here than just cameras themselves.

I basically needed a lockout on an axis, So I’m using a custom player controller and a custom camera manager. With This code in it.

I swap between the camera z locations based if the menu is open or not, It works great, but It’s not smooth at all. I have an animation that pulls the menu away smoothly, But the camera Immediately jumps.

So I’ve been trying to figure out how to slowly make the camera move without much luck,
I tried Tinterp, ease, lerp and a few others but I think because it pulls from a function assumbly is shooting immediately to the return node or it only ticks once or something.

So I wanted to go back to trying “set view target with blend” But I just have no idea how this would fit in with my current nodes as the camera on my player doesn’t receive its location from itself. It gets its location from the function, So anything I put in will be overwritten.

Which leads me to a bigger misunderstanding of how camera mangers work.

The player controller seems to be the overarching power the runs the character, Ive swapped the camera controller from default to my own, But how does it know which camera to inherit from?

If I have 2 cameras on the player, for example, How does it know which one to target?
If I have 2 cameras, There’s only 1 input for new view, but not old view, So how does it know which is the old view or differentiate between cameras.

Even If I had 2 cameras, the location is decided by a function, not its default in the viewport location. So using view target with blend wouldn’t work anyway, right?

Would the correct answer to all this be creating 2 cameras?

Or is there a node Im missing that would smoothly go between 2 floats inside a function.

Thanks for reading.