I am currently trying to make an animation blueprint for my work, and I am using the MotusAnim_ABP blueprint in the Mobility01 Pro - MoCap Pack for inspiration. While I was digging around the project that I created, I noticed that whenever you add an AnimNotify to an animation, it will appear on the skeleton in a list of notifiers. However, I noticed that several of the AnimNotifies in MotusAnim_ABP are not owned by the skeleton and I am having difficulty figuring out where they are coming from. For those of you who have purchased the pack, I am referring to the Rotate, StartWalk and StopWalk notifies.
If anyone could provide some insight as to where I may find these notifies, I would be extremely grateful!
I ended up finding the notifies myself! If anyone else runs into this issue, here’s where each notify is located; they are all listed as Start Transition/Entered State Events under the Notifications section of the details panel of specific states or transitions.
Idle to Walk/Jog/Run transition
All transitions from WalkStarts/JogStarts/RunStarts conduit, excluding the ones leading back to the To Idle/Walk/Jog/Run conduit
To Idle/Walk/Jog/Run to Walk/Jog/Run transition
Walk/Jog/Run to Idle transition
To Idle/Walk/Jog/Run to Idle transition
StopLocomotion to Idle transition
All transitions from Idle to Idle Rotation states
Another notify that I did not mention in my original question was StopJump; this occurs in every jump landing state.
Hopefully this helps somebody out; Motus made a fantastic animiation pack and it’s a shame that they don’t provide proper support or documentation for it.