"Undeclared identifier" errors after moving to 4.4


We’ve just recently moved our project to 4.4.1 from 4.3, and are using git to share all the files. The issue is that the project compiles without any problem for our programmer, but I get a list of “Undeclared identifier” errors, see the picture:

All those variables are declared in included .h files (that are included in .cpp) that the compiler has no problem finding. I have tried generating project files and rebuilding the solution with no luck. Trying to open the project gives “Outdated module” error that leads to failed compilation attempt.

Any ideas what I am missing, please?

Are you using a solution file (.sln) that contains all of your source files?

Does your project folder look anything like this?

Yes, that’s pretty much it.

I’ve got myproject.sln in the root, but that’s it, nothing about containing the source files.

Hey, I got that list of errors and moved my struct from the header of a class and gave it it’s own header file. I also remade a class that didn’t inherit from anything (selected “none” in add code to project), and made it inherit from UObject. As soon as I tried to compile it as a UObject child, I got a circular dependency error. Moved a header file to cpp and that fixed it. I hope that helps! That looks like the same list of errors I was getting, but repeated more.

Btw, if you have problems fixing this with moving headers to cpp, try forward declaration…

So it contains all those files/folders? Especially Source?

Yup, all of them. Source has all the classes in the errors.

See Robbie’s solution below.

Hm, I will look into that, but I doubt it’s declaration issues. It works on my programmers machine yet not on mine.

I’ll forward it to our programmer, but I am not sure why it works on his station and not mine.

I’d be interested to know how you fix it. What was confusing about it was that the errors were coming from code that had been in the project for some time. It wasn’t till I made the newest class inherit from UObject that I got the correct error.

Sorry, nothing seems to help. I can create, modify (add properties) new projects, but not this one despite rest of the team being able to. There been no significant changes in inheritance and all the variables are declared… yet it gives error :confused:

Programmer send me over his entire project zipped, it worked. Thanks for helping!

Problem could not be solved, programmer ended up zipping his entire project and sending it over, that fixed the issues.