UNavigationPath::PathPoints is never updated after creation


  1. Basic Level and Navmesh
  2. Create a navigation path to some actor that can move.
  3. Set up and event to fire on path updates. Track PathPoints of the NavigationPath.
  4. Begin play and observe that the event fires when the goal actor moves but PathPoints never change.

I also noticed that the debugtext collected from the SharedPath pointer in UNavigationPath shows that the number of points does change, and a speculative UE_LOG in UNavigationPath::OnPathEvent demonstrates that the FNavigationPath::PathPoints array from the SharedPath pointer does get updated correctly but UNavigationPath::PathPoints is not updated after creation.

Here is my blueprint that simply prints some debugging information about the NavigationPath and goal actor’s location for convenience.

The result

This is obviously a bug. I’ve filed it as TTP#345921 and I’ll have a look at it as soon as possible.



Fixed in CL#2289209

Very good. Would report again.