Unable to use the MotionWarping plugin targetting Linux

I’m trying to use the MotionWarping plugin under Linux using UE 5.5.1, and find that I’m getting errors in the editor when launching like below:

dlopen failed: libUnrealEditor-MotionWarping.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When I commit my project to my repo and pull from a Windows machine, it appears to be working as expected.

Specifically, what I’ve done is:

Enabled the Motion Warping plugin in the editor (and restarted the editor)
Added the MotionWarping module as a public dependency in my build.cs:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[]

Added some code that utilizes the module by adding a MotionWarpingComponent to a character, then started utilizing that component in the source code in the constructor:

AWarriorBaseCharacter::AWarriorBaseCharacter() : WarriorAbilitySystemComponent(CreateDefaultSubobject<UWarriorAbilitySystemComponent>(TEXT("Warrior Ability System Component"))),
                                                 WarriorAttributeSet(CreateDefaultSubobject<UWarriorAttributeSet>(TEXT("Warrior Attribute Set"))),
MotionWarpingComponent(CreateDefaultSubobject<UMotionWarpingComponent>(TEXT("Motion Warping Component")))

I’ve done nothing further than instantiate the component yet as I can’t open the project under the editor at this point.

Things I’ve tried:

  1. Used the source build for 5.5.1 (starting point)
  2. Used the binary build for 5.5.1 (.zip from Epic)
  3. removed the Binaries and Intermediate folders from my project and recompiled (successfully)
  4. Using alternative build systems (went from Rider to Makefiles)

Note that I do have the library compiled:

rich@succubus ~/UE $ find release/bin/ -name libUnrealEditor-MotionWarping.so
rich@succubus ~/UE $ find release/source/ -name libUnrealEditor-MotionWarping.so

A temporary workaround I have is to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the folder containing the plugin. This gets the editor started and actually uses the plugin.