Unable to use hot reload with ShooterGame

I’m under the impression I cannot do hot reloads with shooter game. Is they’re a specific reason for this? Its seems like it doesn’t work when modifying class declarations, could this be because shooter game uses GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY?

Okay, just to be more specific on the issue:
If I try to hot reload ShooterGame, the game crashes when I PIE after hot reloaded. It doesn’t happen after the Hot Reload but specifically when playing.
The issue arises in the method FXAudio2SoundSource::Init(FWaveInstance* InWaveInstance). The code does a check(AudioDevice) and fails because AudioDevice is set to NULL.
Anyone know what this could be linked to? I’m using ShooterGame as a base for my game and not being able to use one of the best parts of UE4 as a programmer is really annoying!

Okay, I’m going to have to debug this myself arn’t I…

Okay, have not found a solution to my problem yet, but it seems related to this: