Unable to use Add Radial Impulse on an Array multiple times

For a quick Rundown I am doing a personal project for VFX but I am also doing the BP part of it. I had done BP before a little bit and have experience in C# so I felt comfortable with. Anyway my problem is this

I do a sphere cast get all the objects in that spherecast then I do a foreach loop to find the primitive components in the objects hit by the Spherecast I then put those objects in an array variable.

If I do this once it works great and does add the impulse to all the objects in the array however if I add a timeline so I can control and repeat the Radial Impulse it only works for one object and not longer works for the whole array. I also tried putting the timeline plus Add Radial Impulse in another for loop with the array I had made but same result.

Is there a better way to approach trying to get simulated objects to be attracted to point in space for a duration of time and do it on all of them at the same time?

It probably does not work because you keep overriding the array:

Instead of adding to it.

Perhaps it would be easier to get the components directly, and use a dedicated channel so no filtering is even necessary:

This way you do not even need to loop. Especially useful if a single actor contains many simulating meshes.

Is there a better way to approach trying to get simulated objects to be attracted to point in space for a duration of time and do it on all of them at the same time?

I’ve done many similar mechanics over the years, see if this one makes sense: