Dude, construction script only fires when the actor is created on the level or changed in properties. As far as I know, construction script does not fire when the game starts, it only fires inside the editor before running the game. So what ever your plan is, try to create a function instead and set your velocity there, then try to execute the function inside class BP event graph or level BP event graph. Don’t be so obsessive about old or new changes inside the engine. UE4 evolves during times as you should.
I did NOT mean to be rude. I just wanted to tell you to not worry about changes, it always happens. I tried to talk more friendly, by the way I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I am following one of the scripting tutorials located at the Unreal Engine Youtube channel: Blueprint Quickshot: Expose on Spawn | 11 | v4.7 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine
After adding the empty actor and the scene and static mesh components, the instructor adds a vector variable makes it public and exposes it on spawn. We enable physics on the static mesh and proceed to the construction script to set up the functionality. We drag the static mesh variable into the construction script and then drag off a node to set the physics linear velocity, that is @ the 2 minutes and 20 seconds mark exactly.
In the version of Unreal I am using 4.15, that node is unavailable in the construction script with this variable. I have tried unchecking context sensitive and not dragging off from the node so I could just create that node and wire them up. It does not appear in the construction script under any circumstances. I did find it on the event graph but that is not where we are using it in the tutorial.
There are a few other options pertaining to velocity but none look like what he is using in the tutorial, has this functionality changed? Am I doing something incorrectly?
I may have worded that poorly or it may be because I have the cursor over that option, but the option I need to set is the “Set Physics Linear Velocity” which is not in that selection set as shown in the screenshot. Thank you for the answer, it seems to me like velocity and damping are not necessarily the same although I could be wrong.
The object is a static mesh with “Simulate Physics” boolean enabled. However, I do not see velocity as an option to adjust in the static mesh’s properties.
Was there something that then changed in the newer versions? My real curiosity lies with is there a way to accomplish the same action within the construction graph? If not, I just do not understand why they would have originally done it that way. If they change the way something is done, is there an important reason why and does it even matter to me? Thank you again for your help, I am sure I can work out another way to do it. I assumed they did things a certain way for a reason and I just like to understand why so I can use the knowledge effectively.
In fact you CAN add ‘set physics linear velocity’ node to the CS. But first you should create a function and add ‘set physics linear velocity’ node there and use the function inside the CS. The reason this node does not exist inside the CS is because adding movement nodes into the construction script is not much tangled with the concept of construction script. In fact you can easily do the same things in the tut videos inside the level BP or what ever BP that you use to spawn the actor, while you can’t set up a pre-script which can be run inside the editor inside an event graph. Besides adding movement settings to an actor form CS is not an appropriate approach (since CS runs only inside the editor while moving an actor happens after the game has run). So Epic developers decided to leave construction script with more meaningful nodes that only construction script can handle. Inside construction script, developers can create codes that can help them to work easier and faster inside the editor.