Unable to see displacement in Megascans surfaces

I am playing around in Unreal and for the life of me cannot figure out how to displace the geometry in UE5 using a Megascans surface shader.

When I open the master material the Blue channel of the ARD node has no outgoing connections. The MF_MapAdjustments has no Depth incoming connections either. It only shows AO, Albedo (v3), Metallic (S), Roughness (S), Tangent Normal (V3) and Tangent Normal Rotation Angle (S).

Where do I connect the Blue channel to?

Please help me out! thanks!

Is this UE5? Displacement has been deprecated ( the pin should be greyed out ).

Yes that is UE5. And if displacement has been depricated, how do I get the same result as the render shown in Bridge. I am trying out a surface and in its material preview, you can clearly see the sphere geo deforming.

How do I get the same deformation on my surface in UE5?

Right now, I don’t think there’s a great alternative. You basically have world position offset, and runtime virtual textures ( but I -think- that’s more a landscape thing… )

I see this link, but haven’t watched it

Ah okay. Thank you for the link!

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NitinGarg asks a good question, though. If the megascans surfaces don’t contain height / displacement maps, how do we get geo break-up? I’ve enabled Nanite on the megascans materials, and simple shapes do not get any edge/contour break-up, even when the megascans previews clearly show that.

The Peyton Varney video is excellent, but his material had a height map we was able to turn on. I can’t seem to find that height infomation in any of the textures that come with megascans materials.

It’s the blue channel in the …ORDp texture


That’s what it stands for Occlusion Roughness, Displacement.