Unable to save any files

I’m using 4.25 and perforce to work on a project with another person, it was working fine until I suddenly couldn’t save any of the files

Error sometimes says files are only marked for read only, but after I change this nothing happens. I’ve noticed that when opening the project ‘CrashClientReportEditor’ runs secretly in task manager, but after ending it I still can’t save, and this happens every time I open the project, I don’t know what to do, any help?

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Have you got the files checked out through Perforce?
Make sure you do not have any other instances of Unreal running in the background

Hi, yea I only open the one from the launcher or folder and the files are definitely checked out because i’m being stopped from checking them in due to this error

If anyone runs into this problem, i seem to have solved it

After opening the project go to task manager and end task of the crash client thing, go to the file that won’t save in explorer, right click, properties, uncheck read only, apply, ok, then in perforce and unreal right click and refresh the file and it should save.


Thank you!