Unable to run unreal engine vehicle sample project for HTML5


When trying to run unreal engine vehicle sample project for HTML5 in browser following error is popping up:

Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp] [Line: 439]
Non-agnostic games on cooked platforms require a uproject file be specified.

Please note that this project runs absolutely fine when package for windows standalone, but above error pops up only when running for HTML5.

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you very much.

There should be something like

Module.arguments = ['../../../Vehicle/Vehicle.uproject ', ''];

in the generated .html output file. Perhaps for some reason that is missing? I can reproduce and get the error you mention if I change that line to

Module.arguments = [''];

Try adding the Module.arguments line to the .html file if it’s missing altogether?

hello frontier_cm

there’s an issue with the vehicle sample project at the moment. for some reason - that template project is looking for path that is not functional – i have this on the back burner while i work on other bugs. (i didn’t check vehicle advanced yet) – but, i would recommend using the other template projects in the mean time. apologies for the troubles.

i’ve just put this into Jira to track this - UE-43078

Hi nick and juj, thank you very much for clarification!