I’m trying to make animation of this falling castle.
like you can see in the attachments, that should be what happens in the 10 seconds animations. I use a radial force combined to gravity to generate that effect.
the problem is that when I want to export the video in sequencer, the camera movement is rendered corrected, but everything involved physics not.
The castle just starts to move but it stays weirdly freezed, and doesn’t complete the falling movements and stays in that position for all the frames of the video.(see the attachment)
I’ve read somewhere physics is not supported into sequencer. but so I wonder why the castle moves somehow, even if glichted. When I play everyhthing in PIE everything is ok, so I thinked that could using one of that capture screen softwares to record the animation. the problem is that when I go in fullscreen everything is glichted, the falling cards are much more slower then rhe simulation in the normal size screeen or it is even freezed like when I try to render in the sequencer.(see the attachment “glitch”) Things improve(only about full screen editor play, not in sequencer) if I change scalability level to epic instead to cinematic but I think it’s weird. My computer is very powerful, and the scene is very light.
I’d just like to be able to render somehow my animation.
thank you