UE 5.3.2 keeps adding back the com.android.vending.BILLING permission resulting in the Google Play developer console thinking I want to use in app purchasing which I do not.
Attempts to resolve -
The UPL method.
Editing the manifest directly which just gets overwritten as soon as I go to package.
Using the ManifestRequirementsOverride.xml under Build/Android but it gets ignored.
Removed the permission from the project settings under extra permissions.
Fresh project yields the same result.
The only method that works was disabling the Online Subsystem GooglePlay plugin then manually removing the permission from the manifest but then I lost leaderboard functionality which I want to keep.
Double-check that your modifications to the AndroidManifest.xml are being saved correctly. Make sure you save the changes before building the project.
Use ManifestRequirementsOverride.xml:
If you have attempted to use ManifestRequirementsOverride.xml but it’s being ignored, ensure that you are placing it in the correct location. It should be placed under the <YourProject>/Build/Android directory.
Update Google Play Services Plugin:
Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Google Play Services Plugin in your Unreal Engine project. Outdated plugins might have issues with manifest customization.
Remove Permissions in Project Settings:
Go to your project settings in Unreal Engine.
Navigate to Platforms → Android.
Look for the “Extra Permissions” section and ensure that BILLING permission is not listed there.
Check Plugins:
Examine the plugins you have enabled in your project. Some plugins might automatically add permissions to the manifest. If the issue persists, try disabling other plugins temporarily to identify if one of them is causing the problem.
Gradle Settings:
Check the Build/Android/gradle.properties file for any configurations related to in-app purchasing or billing. Ensure that there are no settings that might be adding the billing permission.
Custom Gradle Scripts:
If you have any custom Gradle scripts, review them for any configurations related to billing or in-app purchasing.
Analyze Plugin Source Code:
If you have the source code for the Online Subsystem GooglePlay plugin, consider inspecting its source code to understand how it handles permissions and if there’s a way to customize or disable certain features.
Remember to always make backups before making significant changes to your project files. If you have specific constraints with the Google Play plugin, you might need to involve the Unreal Engine community or support to address the issue.
According to UEDeployAndroid.cs, this is the ini setting which adds the billing permission, even though I don’t see it when looking in the Project Settings UI.
Not sure if this is helpful because I’m not a UE expert but I had to add that permission to enable AdMob so maybe you can check that your game doesn’t have any code to display ads.
Thanks for your answer, but to tell the truth it is just a lot of empty words.
double-check your modifications (they do not magically change)
Use ManifestRequirementsOverride.xml (then why use AndroidManifest.xml?)
Placing the ManifestRequirementsOverride.xml in /Build/Android` directory sounds like a mistake, since many developers delete this directory and there by the modified manifest is gone. And will be overwritten in next build anyways.
Google Play Services Plugin (we are using whatever unreal has added in the plugin), so are you saying Unreal is giving us trash to work with?
Remove Permissions in Project Settings (he already told you he tried that, so why are you reposting to do it again)
Check the Build/Android/gradle.properties (again if we are on in the project this will get overwritten)