Unable to regenerate project files. No context menu options on uproject files

I am using the source built version of UE 4 (4.11). I am unable to restore / add the context menu items for Unreal Engine. Because of this I am unable to regenerate the project files in the game directory. Where the Unreal Engine installation is the GenerateProjectFiles.bat works for the engine installation directory. However that file does nothing for the actual game project that needs its files regenerated. Because of this I believe i haven’t been able to generate the dedicated server .exe that I have been trying to setup recently. I have tried using the UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe file but this does not add the context menus back. I have tried installing the non source version as well to no avail. Any help anyone could give me on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Maybe this will help someone else. For whatever reason I couldn’t get the context menus back but if you use this console command it will allow you to generate project files in your games directory

Here is an example:
“D:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector-Win64-Shipping.exe” /projectfiles “D:\MyProject4\MyProject4\MyProject4.uproject”

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