I’m trying to read from an array which has data coming from an OSC server plugin. The array should have 2 integers available inside each message. I’ve checked that the message does have the data properly in other programs reading OSC messages.
The only thing I can read is the first integer, but I can only read it using pop float which if foreign to me. I can’t find any info when googling it. The data types that the plugin gives when you drag off the array pin are all “pop xxxx” (see pic below) None of these return anything except for pop float and it returns a Double.
If I try to use a Get node to read the individual integers I get nothing at all. If you look at the watch on the event it shows an index of 2, but they show as empty at all times.
You need a loop to go thru the array, how else are you going to read from it. You need to create a loop index and then use the index to go on the positions of the array and unload what you want, if it has just two positions you could use without a loop, or you are trying to access just one specific position inside of it, in this case you have to specify the position number inside the array. wherever you are unloading=array (pos). If you want to read all the positions and get all the data out you have to have a loop, you could go manual tho for each possition. Simply when you want something out of an array you have to specify a position each time, for one single thing specify each thing, you get 3 items you have to specify 3 times from where. To automate this so you don’t repeat calls on the array you can use a loop.