Unable to post new questions on answerhub - SOLUTION

People are complaining that they cannot post new questions on answerhub. I checked and it is true.

The problem is in the value property of the ‘Ask question button’ button. If you change it to ‘Save’, it will work.
Current: <input id=“submit-question” class=“submit btn btn-primary btn-large” type=“submit” value=“Ask Your Question” name=“ask”>
Should be: <input id=“submit-question” class=“submit btn btn-primary btn-large” type=“submit” value=“Save” name=“ask”>

The root cause of the is the following javascript (defined in: themes/epic-unreal/pack/combined.js.h900676998.pack’)
return false;

You either need to change the value attribute of the button OR change the javascript and make it
if(“Ask Your Question”==e.target.value){
return false;

Yup. Unable to post new question.

I PM’d , , and yesterday afternoon as well about , but must have just missed them. I’m surprised we didn’t get more users reporting .

Hi guys, thanks for posting and bringing to our attention. We are focused on getting the AnswerHub back up and running as soon as possible!

Hey , thanks for posting that work around! I moved into the General Discussion so can see if they need it.

Just a quick update, it is now working again. Please let us know if anyone is still having problems. Thank you all for your patience with us!