Unable to play widget animation

I’m trying to play a widget animation for a description widget attached to an actor.
The thing is, it used to work! See this video: 2021-01-25 21-36-11-1_ItemDescription.m4v - Google Drive

However, I’ve made quite some progress with other aspects of the game, and the animation stopped working.
I don’t feel like the other aspects of the game could have broken this feature, as you’ll see, it’s pretty basic.
I’m wondering if it’s because I’ve upgraded from 2.25 to 2.26.

Here is the blueprint on the actor:

Here is the blueprint on the Widget:

As I mentioned, everything works, except the animation:

I tried creating the widget on the player controller to show it directly on screen, and play the animation, and the animation worked.
However, when using the play animation:
I tried creating another animation, and replace the original one, still no animation.
I added a print string after the “Play animation”, I saw the text.
I replaced the play animation with finished event, and wire the print string on complete, I didn’t see the text.

So in summary, I’m unable to get the animation as it used to work, but I’m still able to play the animation from something else than the widget in the blueprint… I really have no clue!

try creating a blank widget, add the animation and see if it runs with that same logic

Good idea.

I created a new widget, a simple button with text, created a new animation, hooked the Blueprint Interface, and still, the widget is visible, but the animation won’t play.
I also tried to cast the widget and run a custom function activating the animation, but it still doesn’t work…

i dont know a lot about widget animations, but I see you’re setting visibility and custom render depth. Try just having everything visible all the time and see if you can trigger the animation using a keyboard button, instead of using all that HighlightObject logic. Just have a really simple logic like Press SpaceBar > Call Custom Event > Play Animation

or maybe the animation is starting at the end, so when you play the animation, it’s already over… just throwing ideas out there

Thanks again Ugmoe.

After some tests, I found that I needed to add a frame between the Set Visibility and the play animation… With a delay of 0.0, it works flawlessly!


Thanks @woodencase01 your set visible and delay fixed my bug that was driving me crazy for a couple hours!