Unable to Pixel Stream on mobile device

Hi, I have been trying to explore the alternate option of running UE packaged file on a browser. I believe UE used to have the function where I am able to package it to HTML5, however that function has already been taken out. Recommendations searched online says that I can try out Pixel Streaming instead.

I’ve tried the tutorial using PixelStreamingDeme and managed to run the packaged file using localhost as well as my ip address searched in the browser. However, when I tried keying in the ip address in the web browser (Chrome) of my mobile device (iphone and ipad), it led me a page which states “Click to Start”. Upon clicking, I got a message which states “Disconnected: Failed to set local answer sdp: Failed to set local video description recv parameters.”

I hope somebody here is able to assist me with this error. Thank you in advance!


Hi Ridhwan,

have you tried looking at running a TURN server together with Pixel Steaming? Mobile networks often need this for webRTC to work.

Hi @Warner_V,

I’ve tried that and it didn’t work as well. I found out that device running on iOS does not support webRTC on their browsers. (webRTC & iOS). So I guess, if I were to try what I am doing and launch it any browser running on Android, it might work. Unfortunately, I don’t have any to test on. Thanks for the response anyway, cheers!

I’ve had pixel streaming working for IOS devices, so it can be done.

In any case, it’s the mobile network that needs TURN to be set up. As long as you stay on a local (WiFi) network you are not dependent on TURN and can test by using the local IP of the PC running Pixel Streaming.

(note that many networks also don’t allow looping back so you can’t use your assigned domain name)

I’m sorry but what do you mean by “the mobile network that needs TURN to be set up”?


You can connect to your host (the computer that’s running UE) directly over a WiFi network in your LAN, or you can connect using the mobile network that your phone is connected to. In the first case you don’t need TURN. In the second case you often do, but it depends on the mobile network operator.

Safari has started to support WebRTC since September 2019. I suggest that you check your information on a more reliable and up to date source: WebRTC Peer-to-peer connections | Can I use… Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc