I’ve updated my project to 4.15 and I’m unable to get the steam overlay working in 4.15. When I enable the steam plugin and try to compile, it prompts me to install visual studios. Which is strange because my project has no c++ in it and compiles in previous versions just fine and the steam overlay works.
If I install Visual Studios and try to compile with the steam plugin enabled it compiles for a few seconds then errors out. The only error line in the log file is “PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Error”.
Now if I disable the steam plugin it compiles just fine but the steam overlay doesn’t work. Also if I disable the steam plugin and have Visual Studios uninstalled it will still compile but the steam overlay doesn’t work.
Not sure what’s wrong here as I have no issues in previous versions.
I’ve also tried created a clean project using the templates and I’m getting the same compiling issue when enabling the steam plugin.
I’ve went through that document and am still having the same issues in 4.15, even with a new clean project. The only way I’m able to compile is by installing visual studios. The projects I’ve tried compiling aren’t C++ projects and I’ve never had to install it before in order to compile.
I’m attaching my log file as you requested. Hopefully this helps
at line 214 i see this :
[2017.03.08-00.18.29:882][ 41]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: No 32-bit compiler toolchain found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe